Flipping Carousels, CSS Transformers, and JavaScript Bubbles

This week's CodePen community highlights include a fun photo carousel featuring the GSAP flip plugin from Elegant Seagulls, a real CSS transformer from Jhey Tompkins, and a beginner-friendly tutorial on creating cartoon-style bubbles with JavaScript from franksLaboratory.

Plus, Gayane Gasparyan gives us a glimpse of the Vision Pro future, and Carter Lovelace takes the "under construction" page to another level.

Optimus Prime with CSS Transform


Optimus Prime with CSS Transform

Jhey Tompkins takes the transform property to the max in this interactive illustration of Optimus Prime of Transformers fame. Click the "Slow down?" checkbox to watch it in slowmo. BYO transformation sounds.

#CodePenChallenge: Range Sliders


#CodePenChallenge: Range Sliders

The community showed off a lot of range in the 2nd week of the Choice UI #CodePenChallenge! Slide through our collection of Pens from week two, including Pens by Mads Stoumann, Shane Burns, William Bardon, and Calleb.

Get 50% off Slack Pro


Get 50% off Slack Pro

Ready to take your business to the next level? Slack makes communication easier for your teams to stay organized, save time and get more done.

Vision Pro UI Box


Vision Pro UI Box

Gayane Gasparyan gives us a vision of the near future with this Apple-inspired mockup of in-room UI.

No JS Carousel


No JS Carousel

Yeshua Emanuel Braz creates a light, checkbox-hack photo carousel with CSS and a of colorful neobrutalist style.

10 Incredible CSS-Only CodePens


10 Incredible CSS-Only CodePens

In this fun YouTube roundup, Zoran Jambor at CSS Weekly takes you on a video tour of 10 great recent CodePen picks that really flex the animation power of CSS.

3D Carousel with GSAP FLIP


3D Carousel with GSAP FLIP

Elegant Seagulls shares a pleasingly tactile photo carousel showcasing GSAP's "flip" plugin. Drag the carousel to spin, then click on any image and it will flip out to full size.

All Kinds of Shapes for CSS Art


All Kinds of Shapes for CSS Art

Watch and learn as Julia Miocene begins a series of four videos on making shapes that turn into CSS art. You can follow along with the Pen as you watch!

Infinite Scaffolding


Infinite Scaffolding

Carter Lovelace takes the "under construction" page to a new heights with this infinite-scrolling scaffolding, complete with a gently bouncing lift.

Soft Dial


Soft Dial

Chris Gannon shares a softly sleek design concept for a dial with masterful control of light & shadow that make it seem truly touchable. Turn the dial to play with the setting range from cool green to warm red.

Inflatable Bubbles Auto Path


Inflatable Bubbles Auto Path

Cartoony bubbles automatically follow a predefined path until you click and drag through them in this bubbly demo from franksLaboratory. Watch how it was made in a step-by-step tutorial on YouTube.

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Educative Free 7-Day Trial

The tech hiring landscape is extremely competitive. Stay ahead of the curve with 600+ hands-on courses covering the industry's top skills: Machine Learning, System Design, APIs, Data Science, Cloud Computing, and more. Trusted by 2 million developers. Start your free trial today!

CSS sin() and cos() improvisation / filtered


CSS sin() and cos() improvisation / filtered

"Improvisation always ends with rotating things" Mustafa Enes' exploration of CSS trigonometric functions yields this colorful spiral with a psychedelic, film-like filter. Play with the slider to go from seashell spiral to pinwheel, or just sit back and watch it go.

In anothers company


In anothers company

Square regiments of dots drift and merge together to form patterned bands in this engaging Three.js animation from Tom Hinton.

Chris' Corner

A collection of web design and development news and thoughts from CodePen's own Chris Coyier.

I came across Alexey Ardov's work the other day. Looks like the color bug hit him pretty hard. I first saw this playground:

It’s awfully cool. I like seeing color palettes presented in the context of UI like that. Sometimes it’s hard to picture how it all might come together if colors are looked at too abstractly. It doesn’t exactly have an export tool, but a bunch of CSS custom properties are barfed out into a style attribute on the <body> if you were so inclined to use them for something.

Of course I thought: HSL is nicely used here, but what about the HDR color formats?! Seems like a good opportunity to set up P3 colors and non-P3 color fallbacks. I don’t think this fact is lost on Alexey, as they have lots more color experiments they have built. For example, this visualizer for looking at color models, which then it looks like got an upgrade to visualize more models (and gamuts)

I like looking at those things as they are a reminder of just how designed these color spaces are and how deep the rabbit hole can go. Before you know it, you’re designing extremely sophisticated accessible color palette generation tools.

Looking at these one-off single-purpose websites always puts me in the mood to share more. Aren’t you lucky that I save links to new ones that I see just for times like this.


Temani Afif’s pattern site has some pretty sophisticated backgrounds that are done just with CSS backgrounds. Reminds me of Lea Verou's take on this from years ago. A grand tradition of CSS wizards.

Very easy to paste into a Pen


Those little badge graphics that are super common at the top of GitHub repos, created with a super clean URL format.

Oh and hey they look great small but you can make them as big as you want and because they are SVG they scale up nicely.

Theme Toggles

Need a neat little animated toggle for Light Mode/Dark Mode? This site has a whole bunch of them:

Wasn’t much to pluck one over to a Pen, in case you need a reference there. I saw a little controversy on this as one of the usage options is as a <div>, which of course is not an interactive element. I’m not sure that’s fair, as you might use this as a visual adornment next to an interactive button, for example. And the React exports use <button> nicely.


I’m sorry I can’t explain it, but sometimes you have to update intended text to have a bunch of extra special ASCII characters that better represent a file tree.

Custom Shape Dividers

In the rectangular world of web design, sometimes just what you need is something... not rectangular

The site provides SVG, HTML, and CSS for you to copy out, which, I’m sure you’re aware, plunking over to CodePen to play with is a snap. Gosh, isn’t CodePen useful? You should go PRO.

Codepen Pro

Just tuck this into the ol' brain bank: CodePen hosted assets, a PRO feature, serve those assets with full CORS permissions. If they didn't, you'd be fighting against cross-origin browser policies when you, for example, may want to fetch them in JavaScript. We just want to make that painless for you.

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